One of the main features of disordered quantum systems is the absence of wave propagation, known as Anderson localization. Since the seminal work of P.W. Anderson, in the late 1950s, the mathematical physics community has devoted much effort to give a rigorous description of this phenomenon. Today, much is known about these systems, however the story is far from over. Once localization for one-particle systems is well understood, the next natural question is, what is the fate of localization in many-body systems? And what about the absence of localization, the thorny issue known as delocalization?
In this session we will briefly introduce the topic and review some of the approaches that have been developed to tackle both these questions, and proceed to a panel discussion, followed by Q&A and a discussion on current trends on the field, including an introduction to a promising approach to disordered (and deterministic) systems. We hope this will encourage questions and stimulate discussions with the audience.
Planning: Brief introduction to Anderson localization. Part I: Panel discussion on the topic of many-body systems with disorder with Chiara Boccato (Milano), Joachim Kerner (Hagen) and Frédéric Klopp (Paris). Part II: Current trends in the field: an introduction to the method of the Landscape function by Filoche-Mayboroda by Severin Schraven (Munich). Coffee break 15:30-16:00. |
With the participation of Michael Aizenman, Jan Dereziński, Jürg Fröhlich, and Manfred Salmhofer. Here are Jan's slides and Manfred's slides.
Coffee break 15:30-16:00. |
I will consider a system of fermions and explain how bosonization methods are used to understand the correlation energy. These methods, originally used for bosonic systems, are equally useful for large density Coulomb systems as well for a low density Fermi gases. Here are Christian's slides.
Coffee break 15:30-16:00. |
Here are Bruno's slides.
Coffee break 15:30-16:00. |