Mathematical challenges in classical & quantum statistical mechanics

Past conferences:
Quantissima nella Serenissima Prima, Venice 2011
Quantissima nella Serenissima Segunda, Venice 2017
Quantissima nella Serenissima Tertia, Venice 2019
Quantissima nella Serenissima Quaternia, Venice 2022


The first week will be aimed at junior researchers. The main program consists of these four lectures:
Jürg Fröhlich: A tentative completion of Quantum Mechanics - Introduction to the subject and applications.
Antti Knowles: Random graphs as models of quantum disorder.
Mathieu Lewin: Theory of inhomogeneous classical Coulomb systems.
Armen Shirikyan: The Ruelle-Lanford approach in the theory of large deviations.

The second week will be in the traditional Quantissima format, with regular talks in the mornings and topical sessions in the afternoons.

Here is the poster. You are welcome to circulate it!

Scientific advisory committee

  • Michael Aizenman  •  Princeton University
  • Jürg Fröhlich  •  ETH Zürich
  • Bruno Nachtergaele  •  UC Davis
  • Robert Seiringer  •  IST Austria
  • Simone Warzel  •  TU Munich

  • Organizing committee

  • Vojkan Jaksic (University of McGill)
  • Antti Knowles (University of Geneva)
  • Flora Koukiou (CY Cergy Paris Université)
  • Daniel Ueltschi (University of Warwick)

  • Deadline for registration: 1 June 2024



    The organisers happily acknowledge support from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the European Research Council, the University of Geneva, McGill University, CY Cergy Paris Université, Annales Henri Poincaré, and the International Association of Mathematical Physics.